Hi,We are mid-August now, and my last story ended mid-July Updating this is too much for me. Just short some events between then and now, and some pictures with it (also from July, I forgot to take pictures for a while but now I have my camera again with me):My cart was weighed, I was scared! I hoped to be under 2.5 tons, prrrrrrrrrrrrmtemtem, the cart was 2.43 tons. In the mean while I left some more weight and I’m on 2.34 tons now (the second time of weighing). Of course with the dogs and me included.My parents came for a second visit on the way back and it was again a cozy to see each other!!! Besides this, I got a lot of visitors! From Tina, Alexis, Margrietje, Simon, Laetitia and for the moment Femke is travelling along for a while. Always nice to travel together!And everything goes well actually, even in the hills the horses are doing well. Then, we make less kmrs (around 10 a day, where normally we would do 15). And my maximum kmrs on 1 day is 22 km. On the most places we are welcomed with open arms, once in a while people bring bags with some fruit and vegetables, a bottle of wine or other nice things. In the meanwhile, a lot of lavender bags and leather sacks are made and the last mini-roulottes are varnished. Tomorrow I will start to exhibit them to try to earn some money. I’m curious how this will work out!Now I’m in Fleury-sur-Andelle in the neighborhood of Rouen, and I’m following a relative straight line towards Bretagne. Today we’re having another pause day, the first in a long while!!!Okay, till next time when maybe there will appear more bigger stories/adventures.Greetings and till soon